Mitigating an Infodemic
Date & Time
Thursday, May 6, 2021, 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM
This session will examine importance of not sensationalizing data and being clear what the science means. Overly emotive clickbait stories do more harm than good. How can you help break the chain of misinformation?
Timothy Caulfield, Professor of Health Law and Science Policy, University of Alberta
Samantha Yammine, Director, Science Sam Media
Jessica Malaty Rivera, Science Communication Lead, The COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic
Emily Vraga, Associate Professor, Hubbard School of Journalism And Mass Communication, University of Minnesota
Roxanne Khamsi, Writer/Editor,
Samantha Yammine, Director, Science Sam Media
Jessica Malaty Rivera, Science Communication Lead, The COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic
Emily Vraga, Associate Professor, Hubbard School of Journalism And Mass Communication, University of Minnesota
Roxanne Khamsi, Writer/Editor,