Genome BC's EVENT Community Guidelines 

Genome British Columbia's virtual events are designed to be safe and open environments for all participants. Please review and follow these guidelines below when participating in our event:

  1. Be kind, open-minded, and respectful of everyone’s opinions and life experiences.
    Do your part to create a judgment-free zone to make the event a positive and meaningful experience for all.
  2. Respect the confidentiality of chat and video discussions.
    While posting about the event on social media is encouraged, the content of small group or face-to-face video networking and chat is private. Please do not share pictures, screenshots, or information from chat or face-to-face video networking in any way.
  3. Use your real identity.
    In order to create an open, honest, and transparent community, you must use your real name or initials. and it is recommended to upload a picture of yourself to your Genome BC Genomics Forum profile.
  4. Do not use malicious or offensive speech.
    Do not use vulgar speech or other language that may make other participants feel uncomfortable. Event participants have different experiences, personalities, and backgrounds. Please do not make assumptions and be sensitive to others’ perspectives.


One or more violations of these guidelines may result in 
your removal from the event’s virtual environment.


By entering Genome BC’s event platform, you agree to these guidelines. Thank you for helping to ensure that our events are a positive experience for everyone involved.

Reporting an incident: If you see, overhear, or experience a violation of these community guidelines during this event and you would like to report harassment or other disruptive behaviors, please email