"The study of genomics in individual cells is becoming a new frontier... In cancer, this is quintessentially important. The biological paradigm is that cancer is not a static disease.”​

~ Dr. Sam Aparicio

In his talk, "Decoding Cancer," Dr. Aparicio will discuss how breakthroughs in genome sequencing from 2006 to 2012 revolutionized the understanding of cancer, driving advancements in drug development and diagnostics. He will highlight British Columbia’s unique contributions to these scientific achievements and address current challenges and frontiers in cancer research.

When:  Monday, November 18, 2024

4:00 – 4:30 PM  Registration
4:30 – 6:00 PM  Keynote Address and Q&A
6:00 – 7:00 PM  Reception

Where: Vancouver Convention Centre West Building

Who should attend

This free event is ideal for anyone interested in the latest advancements in cancer research, genomics and personalized medicine. If you're passionate about the future of healthcare and scientific innovation, this event will inspire fresh perspectives on tackling the complex challenge of cancer.

We welcome all members of the public, students, healthcare professionals, researchers and industry leaders to join us for an engaging evening of cutting-edge science, insightful discussions, refreshments and networking.

Why You should attend

Attending this talk will provide you with a deeper understanding of how groundbreaking genomics research is transforming cancer treatment. Don’t miss the chance to gain valuable insights into the future of healthcare and cancer research from Dr. Sam Aparicio, a leader in the field.



Admission is free, however registration is required.


Genome BC is committed to providing universal access to all our events. Advance notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs. Please contact us at events@genomebc.ca to let us know of any accessibility needs you may have to attend this event.  

Health and Safety: Prioritizing Your Well-Being

We are committed to ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all our guests. While provincial guidelines do not currently mandate specific COVID-19 measures, we will continue to monitor the advice from the BCCDC and government health authorities. Should any new health or safety requirements arise, we will notify you in advance of the event and ask that you follow the latest guidance provided.

By registering for this event, you agree to comply with any health and safety measures that may be in effect at the time of the event. Please check this website for updates, as guidelines may change.

Getting to the Event

Who was Don Rix?

Dr. Donald B. Rix

Dr. Donald B. Rix, the innovator and a philanthropist for whom this event is named after had a broad palette of interests: medicine and science, education and the arts. He was a recipient of the Order of Canada, the Order of BC and one of the co-founders of Genome BC.

Don believed that technology and innovation were the fundamentals upon which to build the future of British Columbia. In a speech to the Vancouver Board of Trade, he explained that technological innovation transcends all boundaries.  He said:

"Not only does it create new industry sectors and new jobs, which in turn, boost economic output, it also provides traditional industries with advances that allow them to be more productive and competitive. Most importantly, technology improves every aspect of life by coming up with new ways to address important social issues."

Don was a visionary and a pioneer. Throughout his life he looked for gaps and created opportunities to fill them. As a physician Don saw the need for better diagnostics and helped to co-found a system of clinical labs across Canada — better known today as LifeLabs. 

Don had a keen interest in biotechnology and as the Chair of our Board through our formative years. his influence on the development of Genome BC is still felt today. We should never lose sight of his vision or his spirit of collaboration — this has guided  trajectory over the last 20 years.

When we lost Don in 2009, we decided to recognize his legacy by establishing this Annual Keynote Address — to continue to inspire our community. Don would approve of the keynote speakers we have invited over the years and the speaker at this year’s event is no exception.

Previous Keynote speakers

Click the images below to learn more about previous Don Rix Distinguished Keynote speakers and their increcible contributions to science.

Dame Sue Hill
Dr. Claire M. Fraser
Pamela Ronald
Sharon Terry
Richard Resnick
Bruce Budowle
Dame Sally Davies
Leroy Hood
Eric Topol
Sir Mark Walport
Eric Green